DPS909 Lab6/7

This week, we are doing some practice on git. For this particular lab, the language I chose is Javascript. Since I've been working with many Javascript projects, I also like to work with Javascript in this lab, not only that I'm familiar with Javascript but also that the flexibility of this language is something I always want to explore. And more importantly, nowadays, javascript are being used everywhere, because it's such a powerful language that can handle both front-end and back-end tasks. In Addition, a lot of the frameworks and libraries are also built in javascript. Thus, I chose javascript for this lab. When I was building my javascript library for this lab. I noticed that there are actually a lot of existing codes online that can be re-used in my lab. For example, to get the size of a file I can just import the 'fs' module from the nodeJS. In the above code snippet, notice that to get the size of a file in node only need 3 line of codes import the...