Documentation in opensource

Documentation in opensource


It is obvious that with detailed and well-explained documentation, contributor will definitely have a easier time with the environment set up and a good overview about how the project is structured which is really saving a lot of time.


Besides documentation, code with clear comment also help developers reuse some of the existing code easily. I believe that no programmers love to read 10 thousand lines of code just to figure out where a variable is being defined. Following good commenting standard makes your code so clear to others about what the code is about, what does it do and how it is being used. For instance, giving description of the parameters and return values of a function is considered a good commenting standard, especially in open-source projects.

Working with thimble 

Currently I am working on the thimble project from github. The feature I was trying to add is a inline-border-radius editor. The documentation provided by the repo maintainer is very well-documented. They had a section in their readme file for adding extension. In that section, everything I need was provided, even little details are being explained very clear.


Working on a open-source project does not always means coding, but more likely, making contributions to the community and helping each other. Making the code clean and well documented should be one of the skills a programmer must have. If everyone can try their best to do it, the community will definitely be improved.  


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