My first FireFox build and modification on CSS

The below image is my first modification on Firefox browser's home page css.  It's a extremely simple change which is just changing the background colour of the homepage, but during the process of building and making those changes I ran into tons of problems. Most of them are environment related.
After modification
I was building on a Mac pro with OS setting : 10.12.2. During my first build, the error "could not find stdio.h" kept showing in console. After some research on this issue, I found out that this error is due to the mis-configuration of the environment variable in Xcode, so I tried this command "sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/ " and it worked.

Although I'm still confusing about how the environment is being set up, I'm guessing the command above will basically reset the path for stdio.h file and the build tool can find it. 

I'm happy that I made this work and will definitely keep playing around with the source code of firefox!  


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